Anxiety may be in the air, but it doesn’t define who we are when we consciously choose to live in the Light of Love. So what does it mean to embody the Light of Love,
and in what ways can it help us transform our lives and the precarious situation
of the world we share? Explore these ideas to forge new pathways to Unity consciousness. Music by David Hawkins
About Rev. Susanna Goulder:

Reverend Susanna Goulder's personal mission is to bring love and light into every moment. Over the years, she has been Director of Training and Coaching for an online certification program; has conducted thousands of coaching sessions, planted seeds of light with messages and seminars at conferences, summits, businesses, and churches, led numerous Good Vibrations workshops,
offered soul coaching oracle card readings, built a sizable native hummingbird garden, and, with her hubby, has been witnessing this crazy, wonderful planet as it goes through its changes.
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