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Announcing Comm-UNITY Movie Nights at Unity Center of Pittsburgh

Updated: Mar 23

Join Unity Center of Pittsburgh for an engaging movie night experience! 

Announcing Comm-Unity Movie Night: a free, open- to-the-community event that includes refreshments, an interesting movie and discussion. We're coming together in unity to watch the docuseries Working: What We Do All Day, an insightful exploration of the modern American workforce with a special screening of a captivating Netflix series featuring former President Barack Obama.

We'll watch parts 1 & 2 of the series on April 12 and parts 3 & 4 on April 19th.

In this thought-provoking four-part series, President Obama delves into the heart of American workplaces and homes, capturing the essence of work in our rapidly evolving society. From humble service jobs to the highest echelons of corporate leadership, the series offers a nuanced perspective on the diverse experiences and aspirations of individuals across the socio-economic spectrum.

We will be screening episodes 1 & 2 on Friday, April 12, and episodes 3 & 4 on Friday, April 19. This enlightening documentary series, suitable for viewers aged 12 and above, transcends mere entertainment to spark meaningful conversations about the significance of work in our lives.

Join us for the inaugural event of our Comm-UNITY Movie Nights, where admission is free and all are welcome. Refreshments will be served and, following the screening, we encourage discussions. Come be a part of this neighborhood experience as we explore the deeper meaning of work and its impact on our society.

YES, you can invite your friends.

About Unity Center of Pittsburgh

Unity is a global, inclusive, spiritual community. We offer practical, uplifting resources to help people of all faiths apply positive spiritual principles to their lives.

We are dedicated to uplifting and feeding the spiritually hungry through our inspirational worship services, spiritual education workshops, charitable outreach programs, and more. We are grateful every time you join us in song, service, worship, and prayer as we come together to create a more mindful Pittsburgh!

Whether you have a strong spiritual foundation, are just at the beginning of your spiritual journey, or do not believe in God at all, Unity offers spiritual insights and guidance for all people. While having its origins rooted in Christianity, the Unity teachings bring together ancient wisdom from many faith traditions. You will not find dogma in Unity, and we honor all spiritual paths.

Because we know that each person comes to Unity at a different place on their journey, we invite you to use the language that resonates with you. Whether you like to say God, the Universe, Spirit, divine truth, Love, or some other phrase, we believe that this divine energy is all the same: a benevolent expression of goodness, order, abundance, and love in the world. 

See more events here.

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Learn more about Unity Center of Pittsburgh here.

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