Spring is a time of renewal, new growth, and infinite possibilities! As we celebrate Easter this time of year, we can draw on the wisdom of Charles Fillmore, "Deny that lack has any place or reality in your thought or your affairs and affirm plenty as the only appearance. Praise what you have, be it ever so little, and insist that it is constantly growing larger." As we cross out negative thinking and create space for new growth, we begin to thrive! As a reminder, friends of Unity, your financial support is needed. For those of you who responded last week, THANK YOU. If you missed that message, a budgetary analysis has revealed a shortage of $1600 in the center's income per month. This shortage can easily be covered by donations and fundraising. We are asking for your commitment to financially support your spiritual home. We know that with your support, we thrive and grow. Will you consider a one-time gift or an increase in scheduled monthly giving? There are three ways to give: 1. Donate instantly here:
2. Mail a check or set up automatic monthly check payments to:
Unity Center of Pittsburgh, 5343 Kincaid Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Thank you for including Unity Center of Pittsburgh in your prosperity practice.
